Friday, February 21, 2014

The time has come, February 21st - the day I arrived in Paris to follow a dream. Since Culinary School started in fall 2013 I knew I wanted to study French Pastry. I also knew I wanted to try to find an internship in France. I didn't realize what a challenge it would be to find something. I created a resume and cover letter and attached a photo. Then last summer I delivered the letters via email and in person when I visited France. I sent out hundreds of letters, most of which got no response, some just got a simple no. I was disappointed but began making other arrangements for my internship. Until last fall semester after classes had started I decided to give it one last go, I sent my resume out to several bakeries. The next day I had an email back from the owner of Sugar Plum Cake shop accepting my application. I ran laps around my moms kitchen, holding my phone in the air, shouting at the top of my lungs "PAAAAAARIS, PAAAAAAAAAAARIS". My family was confused until I explained the turn of events to them and then they were all shouting "PAAAAAARIS" with me (ok maybe not that last part but you know, they were supportive).

Months of preparations took place and money saving begun. I arranged for my best baker friend Jessye to join me on my quest (she is in my same year at school) and we got down to business, arranging for an apartment to sublet and booking flights, and in general pumping each other up for our grand adventure. We finished classes in late December and I moved home to my Parents house with my husband so that we could continue to save money. I worked for a month at home at a local Salt Lake City bakery and then finally the day came. Today. And now I'm in Paris and it doesn't seem real.

Leaving was really hard. The excitement to leave wore off about 2 weeks ago. It was replaced with nervous butterflies. I was dreading the airport and leaving Adam. I didn't want to be away from him. And sure enough the airport came and Ugly cry face came out for a solid 2 hours. My poor seat mate on the plane was probably certain that I was terminally ill and going to Paris to live out my final days. But I'm doing better now. Adam created a motto for us during the hard times: "Dreams take Sacrifice" It's so true - this is our sacrifice. Being separated for a couple of months. And I can't say that being here completely takes the pain away from not being with him but it does sort of numb it. I know I'll see him soon. And until then all I can do is enjoy this time. I'm finding that, that is going to be incredibly easy to do, I mean duh! It's Paris.

While I'm here I'll keep this blog up to date with fun stories of settling in and how in the world I'm going to communicate with these people. (No hablo French). I will share the up's and the downs. And there will be lots and lots of photos, because duh! It's Paris.

So buckle up because for 66 days it's all things French.

Au Revoir!!


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About Me

American girl moves (temporarily) to the city of love. Culinary student by day, explorer by night - finding my way through cobble stone streets and the best Parisian bakeries. Follow all of my adventures here!
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Girl Goes To Paris

Girl Goes To Paris